I Could Have Slept In Too

This commentary could be entitled “I Could Have Slept In Two” because it’s actually a follow up article. In the first one I shared the revelation that sleeping in may not be the most refreshing thing I could do early on a Saturday morning.
Using the word “too” though, sets the stage for the idea that you too could choose to do this. “Too” is an adverb, referring to “in addition.” As someone who has been crippled for most of my life, the idea that I am making the choice to be more active has been somewhat life changing for me—and it could be for you too.
Honestly, I am hardly the picture of perfect health and fitness. I love to eat and although I am trying to eat better, not all of what I enjoy is that healthy. It’s hardly my place to be the rah-rah fitness guy, and my story is a bit self-serving. It helps motivate me and I hope it’s an encouragement to you.
It would be very easy for me to get off the journey I’ve been on and stop my slow running. An injury could derail me, or my mindset may change. This could happen, just like all the New Year’s resolutions that go unfulfilled. For now though, I’m having a good time participating in activities I’ve never done.
What keeps me going? A few things: First is how I feel, which is pretty damn good. There is also a responsibility I have to stay around for my family and business. As we get older, the reality is that stuff happens to our bodies. To some extent, we can control our health. There are benefits to eating better and being active. One older gentleman I know, who is close to 80, walks regularly. He was telling me how his twin brother is barely able to move. This guy looks great and seemingly is doing great. That’s an inspiration for me.
Another motivating factor is that my wife and I have connected with a local running group. They have created an encouraging environment, welcoming everyone. My wife got into running a while ago. It took me some time to accept her invitation to join one of the group “fun runs.” I just stared walking and was blown away by how supportive the group is. It’s all tied to our local running shoe store, Runners Lane. We are building nice relationships within this group.
A fused ankle surgery gave me back my life after a crippling motorcycle racing injury. Typically, people like me are not encouraged to run, but my run is really not much faster than a walk for most people. And I use great shoes—which I of course buy from Runners Lane. (They also have become a client for my distributor business.)
The inspiration for FreePromoTips SuccessFit came from the Runners Lane group. I realized that many people in our industry are active and there is a correlation to fitness as it relates to success. We’ve been sharing different perspectives on this topic from variety of people.
In video interviews, Brandon Mackay, MAS, President of SnugZ USA talks about what drives him and how that impacts his company. PPAI Hall of Fame Inductee, Paul Kiewiet, MAS offers a business lesson from his incredible journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest freestanding mountain in the world at 19,341 feet above sea level.
In my first commentary, I Could Have Slept In, I shared my thoughts as I was out running one morning early on a holiday weekend (with the Runners Lane group). Yeah, I could have slept in but chose not to…and actually enjoyed getting out doing my slow run. Subsequently, I’ve run most Saturday mornings when I used to like sleeping in.
Here’s short video from the Turkey Trot 5K, Thanksgiving morning in Downtown Los Angeles. I filmed from the actual race. I am so slow that a spoon and fork are ahead of me! We also see that there is love for the Los Angeles Police Department on the streets of LA. A 5K on Thanksgiving Day! I could have slept in. This is something I never would have done in the past, but it was a blast!
Following up my Thanksgiving early morning race, again instead of sleeping in, I chose to do the Runners Lane Saturday run. I enjoyed a nice 4.3-mile journey and took a few pictures along the way. We start at Runners Lane, passing the BMW dealership, where I like checking out the cool cars, moving on to the South Fork Trail, which is a popular running path. I pass my wife, who is on a 14 mile run, training for the LA Marathon, which many in our group are participating in.
This whole thing started with my wife and son getting into a Couch to 5K program. I like being a couch potato, so I connected with that. Getting moving birthed the SuccessFit content component of FreePromoTips.com, which anyone, at any level can participate in.
We have created a SuccessFit Fundraising “Exercise” at the PPAI Expo. Don’t worry! You won’t break a sweat! You will however get some cool stuff from a group of great suppliers and support education with a nominal $9.60 donation that all goes directly to the Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF). Since participants will receive very nice products, we created a small buy-in to identify those who are supporting this “exercise”. More information and the list of products participants will receive can be found here!
Now is the time to sign up to be a part of this event! The registration deadline is December 15th, which allows suppliers the opportunity to produce the products you will receive at the Expo. Click here for the registration link.
We also added an informal, Fun Run/Walk Monday morning January 12 at 6:45 AM outside the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Everyone is welcome to join us. Kick off your week in Las Vegas with an endorphin-stimulating event. The first 100 people who register for the FPT SuccessFit program to benefit the Promotional Products Education Foundation will get a Performance T-shirt. We still have some T-shirts to give away. Everyone will get great stuff from great suppliers. Register today!
You also are invited to join our SuccessFit Facebook Group. Share your fitness selfies and what you like to do for fun away from the office.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the PPAI Expo, where most all of us will clock plenty of miles!
Jeff Solomon, MAS is affiliated with a Top 10 distributor company and also publishes FreePromoTips.com, a popular industry resource. The PPAI award winning FreePromoTips.com website and twice a month e-newsletters are packed with beneficial information. On the website, you can opt in to receive these informative twice a month e-newsletters! Check out what’s new in the GP2: Good Products-Good Prices section of the site. Take advantage of FREE end user safe product videos you can share from their YourPromotionSolution.com website. LIKE their page on Facebook follow them on Twitter and connect with Jeff on LinkedIn. FreePromoTips.com is also on Pinterest!

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